Presenting Models for Realised Volatility at 12:15-13:30 in QA406. Continue reading “30 Jan: Dario Palumbo (QSMS Seminar)”
The QSMS Research Group organises research seminars on a regular basis with presentations by top researchers at an international level.
The seminars take place at 12:15-13:45 in room A406 in Building Q, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Magyar tudósok körútja 2, 1117 Budapest. At the seminars sandwiches are provided. Please help the organisers by registering in advance. Registration is free.
23-24 Jan: Advances in Stochastic Games
18 Jan: Natalie Lee (QSMS Seminar)
Presenting Feigning Ignorance for Long-term Gains: Theory and Experiment at 12:15-13:30 in QA406. Continue reading “18 Jan: Natalie Lee (QSMS Seminar)”
Kóczy at the 3rd AIEE Energy Symposium
László Á. Kóczy presented his paper “A risk-based evaluation of European natural gas supply security – The case of Nordstream 2” at the 3rd AIEE Energy Symposium, Milan, 10-12 December 2018. Continue reading “Kóczy at the 3rd AIEE Energy Symposium”
5 Dec: Bernard Brooks (QSMS Seminar)
Presenting Rumour Propagation on Social Networks as a Function of Diversity at 12:45-13:45 in QA403. (Notice the unusual time and venue!)
Continue reading “5 Dec: Bernard Brooks (QSMS Seminar)”
5 Dec: Martin Zagar (QSMS Seminar)
Presenting Digital transformation at 11:30-12:30 in QA403. (Notice the unusual time and venue!)
Continue reading “5 Dec: Martin Zagar (QSMS Seminar)”
28 Nov: Serguei Kaniovski (QSMS Seminar)

Presenting Theorems for Exchangeable Binary Random Variables with Applications to Expert Groups and Voting Power at 12:15-13:45 in QA406.
Continue reading “28 Nov: Serguei Kaniovski (QSMS Seminar)”
QSMS at the EEA Job Market
The Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Budapest University of Technology and Economics will attend the EEA European Job Market for Economists, Naples 6-7 December 2018.
Inaugural talks for new professors
The recently appointed Profs Imre Dobos and Gyula Zilahy, members of the QSMS Research Group presented their key achievements and research interests at the BME Assembly Hall on 18 October 2018.