Presenting Axiomatic Foundations of Centrality Measures 12:15-13:45 in QA406.
Presenting Axiomatic Foundations of Centrality Measures 12:15-13:45 in QA406.
Róbert Somogyi will present his paper “Prioritization vs Zero-rating: Discrimination on the Internet” at the Lisbon Meetings in Game Theory and Applications on October 26.
Continue reading “Somogyi at the Lisbon Meetings in Game Theory and Applications”
Róbert Somogyi will present his paper “Bertrand-Edgeworth Competition with Capacity Uncertainty” at the Industrial Organization Workshop at the University of St. Gallen on November 8.
Continue reading “Somogyi at the Industrial Organization Workshop of the University of St. Gallen”
Presenting Equilibrium and Matching under Price Controls at 12:15 in QA406.
Róbert Somogyi presented his paper “Bertrand-Edgeworth Competition with Capacity Uncertainty” at the 45th Annual EARIE conference in Athens on September 2.
Béla Janky presented his paper „Salience of political conflicts and social attitudes” at the ECPR General Conference, 22-26 August 2018. Continue reading “Janky at the ECPR General Conference”