Christopher Stapenhurst

I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at QSMS Research Group at Budapest University of Technology and Economics. I completed my Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Edinburgh in 2022 under the supervision of Dr Andrew Clausen and Dr Ina Taneva. My research interests lie in microeconomic theory, applied statistics and environmental economics.

Please see my personal website for an up-tp-date list of my publications, working papers, works in progress and teaching.

Personal Website


QA327, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Magyar tudósok körútja 2, H-1117 Budapest.

Research interests

Microeconomic theory: mechanism design, information economics, cooperative games.

Statistics: inequality meansurement, hypothesis testing.

Environmental Economics: international agreements, marine plastic pollution.


An up-to-date-list can be found on my personal website.

Working papers

An up-to-date-list can be found on my personal website.

Work in progress

An up-to-date-list can be found on my personal website.

  • Coordinated and results based payments for Ecosystem Services (with Charlotte Gerling)
  • Cooperative redistribution (with Ramses Abul Naga and Sreoshi Banerjee)
  • Student-Supervisor Matching (with Fatma Aslan and Vivien Surman)
  • Introduction to Financial Mathematics (MSc)
  • Pricing and Price Forecasting (MSc)