Imre Dobos received two publication awards from the Committee on Management Science (GTB) of Section IX of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS).

The committee grants awards in three categories: domestic Hungarian-language journal articles, international foreign-language journal articles and books. The Subcommittee on Management and Organizational Sciences of the GTB granted him the award in the books category for the publication of Trust research in business relations – A dyadic data analysis approach (In Hungarian; joint work with Andrea Gelei; Typotex Publishing House, Budapest, 2019).
Moreover, Imre received another award, granted by the GTB Subcommittee on Industrial and Business Economics in the category of foreign-language articles for publishing Inventory-related costs in green supplier selection problems with Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) (joint with Vörösmarty, Gy.; International Journal of Production Economics, 209, 374-380.
Congratulations on his awards!