
Kóczy’s paper in Games

The paper titled Brexit and Power in the Council of the European Union discusses the impact of Brexit on voting in the Council of the European Union. There is a remarkably sharp relation between population size and the change in power: Brexit increases the largest members’ powers while decreasing the smallest ones’ powers. 

The paper is freely downloadable.

Kóczy @ PPE Conf Soc Ch Voting Th

László Á. Kóczy presented his paper Power and preferences (joint with Balázs Sziklai) at the PPE Conference on Social Choice and Voting Theory, hosted by the Kellog Centre for Philosophy, Politics and Economics, Virginia Tech on 17-19 June 2021.

Kóczy’s paper in GEB

In the paper titled The equivalence of the minimal dominant set and the myopic stable set for coalition function form games (co-authored with P. Jean-Jacques Herings) published in Games and Economic Behavior, the equivalence of two dynamic cooperative game theoretic concepts, the minimal dominant set and the myopic stable set is studied and the modifications needed for equivalence are presented.

The paper is freely downloadable from the publisher’s site.

Számadó’s paper in Scientific Reports

The paper “Scarce and directly beneficial reputations support cooperation” by Szabolcs Számadó (joint with Flóra Samu and Károly Takács) has been published recently in Scientific Reports.

A human solution to the problem of cooperation is the maintenance of informal reputation hierarchies. Reputational information contributes to cooperation by providing guidelines about previous group-beneficial or free-rider behaviour in social dilemma interactions. How reputation information could be credible, however, remains a puzzle. We test two potential safeguards to ensure credibility: (i) reputation is a scarce resource and (ii) it is not earned for direct benefits. We test these solutions in a laboratory experiment in which participants played two-person Prisoner’s Dilemma games without partner selection, could observe some other interactions, and could communicate reputational information about possible opponents to each other. Reputational information clearly influenced cooperation decisions. Although cooperation was not sustained at a high level in any of the conditions, the possibility of exchanging third-party information was able to temporarily increase the level of strategic cooperation when reputation was a scarce resource and reputational scores were directly translated into monetary benefits. We found that competition for monetary rewards or unrestricted non-monetary reputational rewards helped the reputation system to be informative. Finally, we found that high reputational scores are reinforced further as they are rewarded with positive messages, and positive gossip was leading to higher reputations.