Contact Interests Work in progress
Luca Sandrini is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the “Digital Economy” Research Unit of the ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research, Mannheim (DE), and a research affiliate at the QSMS Research Group at Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
He completed his Ph.D. in Economics and Management at the University of Padova in 2020.
His research interests are Economics of Innovation, Industrial Organization, and Digital Economics.
QSMS Contact details
QA325, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Magyar tudósok körútja 2, H-1117 Budapest.
MastodonResearch Projects
iCrowd: innovation, digital workforce and intellectual property rights
Funded by the Hungarian Scientific Research Program (OTKA) – Postdoctoral Excellence Program 2021 under grand [ID 138543].
Research interests
Applied Theory – Industrial Organisation; Economics of Innovation; Patents and Licensing; Digital Economics
Sandrini, L. (2023), Price versus Market Share with Royalty Licensing: Incomplete Adoption of a Superior Technology with Heterogeneous Firms, Review of Industrial Organization
Sandrini L. and Somogyi R. (2023), Generative AI and Deceptive News Consumption, Economics Letters, 232: 1-4.
Sandrini, L. (2022), Innovation, competition, and incomplete adoption of a superior technology, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 32(6): 783-803
DOI: 10.1080/10438599.2021.2024432
Sandrini, L. (2021), Incentives for labor-augmenting innovation in vertical markets: the role of wage rate, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 75.
Working papers
Sandrini, L., and Somogyi, R. (2022), News Media Bargaining Codes, Working Papers 22-06, NET Institute.
Manenti, F.M. and Sandrini, L. (2023), Patents with simultaneous innovations: The non-obviousness requirement and the direction of innovation, QSMS Discussion Papers DP-23-003.
Delbono, F., Reggiani, C. and Sandrini, L. (2023), Strategic data sales with partial segment profiling, JRC Working Papers on Digital Economy 2021-05
(under review)
Navarra, F., Pino, F., and Sandrini, L. (2023), Mandated data sharing in hybrid marketplaces. Available at SSRN.
Gambato, J. and Sandrini, L. (2023), Not as good as it used to be: Do streaming platforms penalize quality?, ZEW Discussion Paper No. 23-032.
Work in progress
Sandrini, L. (in progress), It’s all takin’ and no givin’. Protecting secrets with organizational innovations