László Á. Kóczy presented his paper Network Disruptions and the Security of Supply in the European Gas Network (joint with Balázs Sziklai and Dávid Csercsik) at the 20th Journées Louis-André Gérard-Varet, Marseille, France on 21-25 June 2021.
László Á. Kóczy presented his paper Network Disruptions and the Security of Supply in the European Gas Network (joint with Balázs Sziklai and Dávid Csercsik) at the 20th Journées Louis-André Gérard-Varet, Marseille, France on 21-25 June 2021.
László Á. Kóczy presented his paper Network Disruptions and the Security of Supply in the European Gas Network (joint with Dávid Csercsik and Balázs Sziklai) at the 2020/21 Conference of the Commodity and Energy Markets Association (virtually) at the Universidad Carlos III, 17-18 June 2021.