Contact Interests Publications Work in progress

Sreoshi Banerjee is a postdoctoral researcher at the QSMS Research Centre of Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) and is currently on the 2024 academic job market!
She was a visiting postdoctoral fellow at the University of Rochester and worked with Prof. William Thomson.
She completed her PhD in Quantitative Economics at the Indian Statistical Institute under the supervision of Late Prof. (HAG) Manipushpak Mitra. She also visited the Economics and Planning Unit (EPU) at the Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi and worked with Prof. Debasis Mishra.
Her doctoral thesis is a comprehensive study on the strategic and normative impact of welfare bounds on the class of sequencing problems. She completed her masters in Economics from Jawaharlal Nehru University (CITD) and earned a bachelor’s degree in Economics from Shri Ram College of Commerce (SRCC), Delhi University.
This is her Google site >>> Sreoshi Banerjee .
You can download her resume here >>> CV
Check out her profiles on LinkedIn and X.
Contact details
QA324, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Magyar tudósok körútja 2, H-1117 Budapest, Hungary.
Research interests
queueing theory, mechanism design, cooperative game theory, microeconomic fairness
Job Market Paper
On the (non-coincidence) of the serial and the Shapley solutions in multi-server waiting line problems with Christian Trudeau.
This is a working paper. Click here for the latest version.
- Banerjee S., Mitra, M. (2021) Lorenz optimality for sequencing problems with welfare bounds Economics Letters, Volume 205, August 2021, 109963
- Banerjee S., De P., and Mitra M. (2024) Generalized welfare lower bounds and strategyproofness in sequencing problems Social Choice and Welfare, Volume 63, pages 323–357, July 2024.
Working papers
- E-FAST agreements for abating Marine Plastics Polluion with Christopher Stapenhurst. Funded by the Sustainable Development and Technologies National Programme of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
- On identifying efficient, fair and stable allocations in “generalized” sequencing games.
- Scheduling with divisible jobs with Christian Trudeau. Slides (preliminary results) (working draft coming soon).
- Gains from income redistribution through progressive transfers with Ramses Abul Naga and Christopher Stapenhurst (work in progress).
Teaching and Thesis supervision
- Price and Price Forecasting (MSc Finance), Spring’24- Lecture notes.
- “Risk Management/ESG” – masters theses (7 students), Fall’24 and Spring’25.
- Intensive Week Seminar: a workshop on “Cooperative Game Theory and a road to supply chain management” (Fall 2022, 2024) – Module 1, Module 2.