The Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences (GTK) of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) invites applications for a number of full-time postdoctoral positions starting in the fall of 2020 at the latest.
Postdoc in Finance (F19)
One three-year postdoctoral position at the Department of Finance with a reduced in-term teaching duty of 4 to 8 teaching hours per week at the graduate level.
Teaching fields: Investments, Portfolio Management, Derivatives and Real Options and/or Risk Management courses (market, credit risk). Our curriculums are predominantly based on CFA and FRM learning programs.
Research Fields: All areas of Finance and related fields.
Applicants should have a PhD degree before taking up the position. The duration of the postdoctoral positions is three years and different schemes for tenure track can be offered. We offer favourable conditions regarding research facilities, data access, time devoted to research, travel support, etc.
The Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences is the youngest faculty of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics comprising a great variety of departments and study programmes. BME is a widely-acclaimed institute of technology and the world’s oldest technical university established in 1782.
Application Procedure: Interviews will be conducted at the EEA European Job Market for Economists in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, December 2019. Interested candidates who do not attend the meeting are also encouraged to apply. Applications consisting of a motivation letter clearly stating the opening(s) applied for, CV, 3 referee letters and the job market paper must be submitted online at
Deadline: The search amongst applicants will start on 18 November 2019 and will continue until the positions are filled.
Further information: Questions, but not applications, can be sent to