
The QSMS Research Group organises research seminars on a regular basis with presentations by top researchers at an international level.

The seminars take place at room A406 in Building Q, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Magyar tudósok körútja 2, 1117 Budapest. At the seminars sandwiches are provided. Please help the organisers by registering in advance.  Registration is free.

October 4: Toygar T. Kerman  (QSMS Seminar)

Toygar Kerman (Corvinus University) will “Nested Self-Selectivity” (with Semih Koray, Bilkent University) on October 4th, 2024, at 10:30 AM, in room QA406. Abstract:    A society that will make a choice from a set of alternatives might also need to choose the choice rule that will be employed to make the choice. In such a situation, … Continue reading “October 4: Toygar T. Kerman  (QSMS Seminar)”

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June 12: Alexander Usvitskiy (QSMS Seminar)

Alexander Usvitskiy (HSE University) will present the paper “Support Networks in Contests ” (with Anastasia Antsygina, Mariya Teteryatnikova, James Tremewan) on June 12th, 2024, at 10:30 AM, in room QA406. Abstract:    Many real-life competitive environments allow for a third party to be indirectly involved in the competition through supporting one or both conflicting parties. Such … Continue reading “June 12: Alexander Usvitskiy (QSMS Seminar)”

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June 10: Boris Knapp (QSMS Seminar)

Boris Knapp (Corvinus University of Budapest) will present the paper “Price Discrimination via Waiting Lists” on June 10th, 2024, at 10:30 AM, in room QA406. Abstract:    Several markets, in particular some for luxury products, exhibit long periods of excess demand. In the short run, prices below the market clearing price can be explained by demand … Continue reading “June 10: Boris Knapp (QSMS Seminar)”

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June 5: Leonardo Madio (QSMS Seminar)

Leonardo Madio (University of Padova) will present the paper “Design and Governance of Quality on a Digital Platform” on June 5th, 2024, at 3:00 PM, in room QA406. Abstract:    This paper studies the incentives of a platform to curate quality of third- party products it hosts. There are two types of sellers. “Normal sellers” have … Continue reading “June 5: Leonardo Madio (QSMS Seminar)”

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May 22: Kevin Techer (QSMS Seminar)

Kevin Techer (University Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne) will present the paper “Hazardous waste transportation: a cost allocation analysis” on May 22nd, 2024, at 10:30 AM, in room QA406. Abstract:    This paper studies hazardous waste transportation problems. Due to their dangerous nature, the transportation of such waste implies a risk of incident having irreversible consequences on the … Continue reading “May 22: Kevin Techer (QSMS Seminar)”

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May 8: Artem Razumovskii (QSMS Seminar)

Artem Razumovskii (CERGE-EI) will present the paper “Interim Deadline for Procrastinators” on May 8th, 2024, at 10:30 AM, in room QA406. Abstract:    People are partially time inconsistent and many have difficulties committing to a detailed schedule for a project. I study optimal interim deadlines and how they affect the behavior and resulting welfare of the … Continue reading “May 8: Artem Razumovskii (QSMS Seminar)”

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May 13: Jinglei Huang (QSMS Seminar)

Jinglei Huang (Tsinghua University) will present the paper “The Shapley Value and the Nucleolus of a Two-Sided Platform Game ” on May 13th at 10:30 AM online. MS Teams (click here to join) (Meeting ID: 389 673 827 294 Passcode: pezarH) Abstract:    The paper introduces a new coalitional game with transferable utility — called a … Continue reading “May 13: Jinglei Huang (QSMS Seminar)”

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March 25: Roland Molontay (QSMS Seminar)

Roland Molontay (BME, department of Stochastics) will introduce the HSDSlab: Network science and machine learning in empirical social sciences on March 25th at 16:00 PM, room QA323. Abstract:    In this talk, I will review some recent works of the Human and Social Data Science Lab (HSDSLab). HSDSLab is a young research group based in the … Continue reading “March 25: Roland Molontay (QSMS Seminar)”

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March 18: Anastas P. Tenev (QSMS Seminar)

Anastas P. Tenev (Corvinus University of Budapest) will present the paper “Planned vs. Dynamic Obsolescence ” (Authors: Vyacheslav Arbuzov, Toygar T. Kerman, Anastas P. Tenev) on March 18th at 15:00 PM, room QA323. Abstract:    A durable-goods monopolist might practice planned obsolescence by deliberately producing goods that have short lifespans to ensure repeat purchases in the … Continue reading “March 18: Anastas P. Tenev (QSMS Seminar)”

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March 11: George Marten (QSMS Seminar)

George Marten (Heriot-Watt University) will present his paper “EUK Air Pollution: Gross Damages vs Value Added” on March 11th at 10:30 AM, room QA405. Abstract:    Gross Value Added (GVA) is overestimated due to the creation of air pollution, but the extent of this overestimation might have declined over the last two decades of improved to … Continue reading “March 11: George Marten (QSMS Seminar)”

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