Contact Interests Publications Work in progress
Fatma Aslan is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Management and Business Economics and a research fellow at QSMS Research Group at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. She completed her Ph.D. in Economics at CNAM, Paris, and Istanbul Bilgi University under the supervision of Jean Lainé in 2019. Her research interests are Matching Theory, Market Design, Voting Theory, Social Choice Theory, Cooperative Game Theory, Experimental Economics, and Behavioral Economics.
Contact details
QA311, Department of Management and Business Economics, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, BME Building Q, Magyar tudósok körútja 2, H-1117, Budapest, Hungary. aslan.fatma@gtk.bme.hu
Research interests
Matching Theory, Market Design, Voting Theory, Social Choice Theory, Cooperative Game Theory, Experimental Economics, and Behavioral Economics.
- Aslan, F., Duman P. & Trockel W. (2023): PEA – Core Substitute for Non-cohesive Games, Economics Bulletin, forthcoming
- Aslan, F., Dindar,H. & Lainé, J. (2021): When are Committees of Condorcet Winners Condorcet Winning Committees?. Review of Economic Design, 1-30
- Aslan, F., & Lainé, J. (2020): Competitive Equilibria in Shapley–Scarf Markets with Couples. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 89, 66-78.
Working Papers
- The Implementability of Fairness (with H. Hermida-Rivera)
- Core Stability of Housing Markets with Couples and Distance Structure (with J. Lainé )
Within-group externalities and dynamics of two-sided markets ( A. Nemeslaki and R. Somogyi)
Works in Progress
- Student-Supervisor Matching (with C. Stapenhurst and V. Surman)
- Generating representatives from Anonymously and Neutrally Equivalent Classes(ANEC): An algorithm to enumerate root profiles (with J. Staudacher, and S.Kaunzinger, A. S. Saral)
- Minimal Maskin-Monotonic Extensions of Compromise Solutions (with J. Lainé )