László Á. Kóczy presented his paper Power and preferences (joint with Balázs Sziklai) at the SOR’21, the 16th International Symposium on Operations Research in Slovenia, 22nd – 24th September 2021.
Month: September 2021
Aslan’s paper in Review of Economic Design

The paper “When are committees of Condorcet winners Condorcet winning committees?” by Fatma Aslan (joint with H. Dindar and J. Lainé) has been published recently in Review of Economic Design.
Kóczy’s paper in Operations Res & Decisions
“Computing power indices for weighted voting games via dynamic programming” has been co-authored by Staudacher, Stach, et al. and is aimed at providing efficient algorithms for computing various power indices. These algorithms – soon expected also as an R-package – allow one to model weighted voting situations with hundreds of voters.