László Á. Kóczy will present “Apportionment methods in resource allocation”, a joint work with QSMS-member Tamás Koltai, Balázs R. Sziklai and Alexandra Tamás. Róbert Somogyi will present his paper “Bertrand-Edgeworth Competition with Capacity Uncertainty” coauthored with Wouter Vergote (Columbia University).
The Conference on Economic Design is the biannual conference of the Society for Economic Design and is organised in alternated years with the conference of the Society of Social Choice and Welfare. This year the conference is organised in Budapest by Péter Biró (OC Chair) and Lars Ehlers (PC Chair).
The Keynote Speakers are:
Leonid-Hurwicz Lecture: Philippe Jehiel (Paris School of Economics)
Murat Sertel Lecture: Bhaskar Dutta (University of Warwick)
Paul Kleindorfer Lecture: Bumin Yenmez (Boston College)