Presenting Equilibrium and Matching under Price Controls at 12:15 in QA406.
On 26 September 2018 we have Prof P. Jean-Jacques Herings (Maastricht University) visiting us. He is going to give a seminar with title Axiomatic Foundations of Centrality Measures at 12:15-13:45 in room A406 in Building Q, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Magyar tudósok körútja 2, 1117 Budapest.
Abstract: The paper considers a matching with contracts model in the presence of price controls. The model contains two important streams in the matching literature, those with and those without monetary transfers, as special cases. An adjustment process that ends with a stable outcome is presented. The paper presents a notion of competitive equilibrium, called Drèze equilibrium, and shows Drèze equilibrium allocations to be equivalent to allocations induced by stable outcomes. We therefore have an equivalence that is valid with and without monetary transfers as well as when monetary transfers are limited.
The full paper is available at Journal of Economic Theory 77: 222-244.