Noémie Cabau

Contact         Interests        Work in progress

Noemie Cabau is a post-doctoral researcher at QSMS Research Group, Budapest Universiy of Technology and Economics. She completed her Ph.D. in September 2020, under the supervision of Sidartha Gordon (Universite PSL Paris Dauphine) and Ming Li (Concordia University, Montreal).


Contact details

QA325 Quantitative Social and Management Sciences Research Group Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, BME Building Q, Magyar tudósok körútja 2, H-1117, Budapest, Hungary.


Research interests

Network formation games, strategic communication, game theory.

Papers under Review
  • A non-cooperative game of network formation with pro-social players
Working Papers
  • Asymmetric Information in Markets for Pharmaceuticals, International Price Referencing and Secret Rebates (with S.Gordon PSL University Paris Dauphine)
  • Secret Rebates and List Prices in Negotiations between Countries and Pharmaceutical Firms (with S.Gordon PSL University Paris Dauphine)

  • Polarization in experts’ recommendations (with M.Li Concordia University)